I was first introduce to these videos with version 2.0 at a new teacher in-service in Rockwall ISD. It was part of the Phil Schlechty's Working on the Work or W.O.W. framework district workshop. At first, I thought the 2.0 in the title referred to Web 2.0, and it wasn't until later that I discovered it was the second version of this video (you can find the first version HERE). Even thought this isn't the latest and greatest version, I like this video because I believe it speaks to those individuals who may not be deep into educational technology and speaks to a broader audience.
So what do you think? What are our students doing in schools? How are we helping our students become literate in 21st century? Are we providing the resources and training necessary to prepare students to be successful in 21st century society? Now that we know all this, what changes should be made to current education legislation? Leave answers in the comments section.
Awesome video! It makes you think, if these statistics are from 2006, what would it be with current data! I don't know about you, but I feel even more pressure to keep moving forward with my effort to bring the new technology to our teachers and students! Thanks for sharing!