
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pay Attention

This video is directed towards teachers and challenges the way we teach our students. I love how it addresses student engagement and encourages teachers to use technology to reach students. It’s a thought providing video and I hope others will enjoy it like I do.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Waiting for Superman

I would like to encourage everyone to see this movie. Even if you aren’t an educator, please take the time to watch it…get involved in the conversation about education reform. Education in this country needs to be a priority at every level regardless if you are parent, teacher, politician, student, or whomever; every individual needs to have a voice in this discussion. Even though I haven’t viewed this movie yet, I believe it will address many issues regarding the practice of education in our nation today that we simply can’t ignore, and will hopefully spark conversations across America. I can’t say that I will agree with the position(s) this movie may take…remember I haven’t seen it…but in order to discover the truth and make a positive change for students, we all must be involved. I believe “Waiting for Superman” will be a great conversation starter.

Wes Fryer wrote a great blog post regarding this movie. Be sure to take the time to read this as well.